Dear all who like going for walks and the smell of garlic,
Bärlauch-season just started and as walks may be considered as a basic need, here is a proposal how to combine your pleasures:
a walk through area of Steinhofgründe or Pötzleinsdorfer Schlosspark, just behind 16th/ 17th district, along the floor and forest which turn green, surrounded by smell of wild garlic (Bärlauch). You can either just wander around or even harvest some souvenirs and do pesto out of it!
Where to go? One out of many possibilities: taking tram 43 to last stop “Dornbach”, then following Stadtwanderweg 3 as long as you like.
What to do? Wandering, smelling, pausing, picking.
Caution! If you are not familiar with wild garlic, look at images before you start collecting and check if the leaves that you collect do smell of garlic. There is one plant similar to Bärlauch called lily of the valley (Maiglöckchen), it looks nice but is nasty meaning not eatable, poisonous. Normally it starts growing later than garlic (around may) so that they dont really meet, but still its good to be aware!
If you did pick some wild garlic. How to use it?
Bärlauch can just be cut in salat and eaten fresh, be dried and mixed with salt (diy Kräutersalz), another possbility is: pesto!